A Different Approach to Blue-Collar Jobs

A very good article has been featured at OregonLive, written by Richard Read. In this article Richard Read looks at Blue-Collar Jobs from a very different angle than the majority of society.

Taking as an example Andre Lawrence, a 24 year old man who dropped out of Portland State University to become an apprentice electrician. Now, 3 years after joining, he is earning $26.64 per hour, while his tools and educational material are free.

Different unions, organizations and non-profits, such as Oregon Tradeswomen Inc. and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) play a big part in these achievements. These organizations will give equal opportunities to people regardless of race and sex, as well as help them start as apprentices to work towards their first electrician license. They will also help women join construction work and teach them to be effective and competent.

A really great article, that should be read by anyone considering to become an electrician.