Campbell River organizes electrician workshop

Campbell River will welcome around one hundred employees from airports all over Canada who will arrive in order to get their electrician training. The reason is the Canadian Airports Electrical Workshop (CANEW), organized by the Canadian Airports Electrical Association.

The small city of Campbell River was able to host the event after getting backed up by the local business community, receiving a $5,000 donation from the city and obtaining the support of the airport and Campbell River Airport Authority.

The training workshop will run from Sept. 22-27 and will include two hands-on training days. It is impressive that a miniature airport was built, fully functioning for airfield lighting training.

Except for the training, one of the major advantages of the workshop is in the contacts that are established. In that sense, workers at smaller airports will be able to have someone to call up and ask for assistance.

As a final note, the trade brings together airports and manufacturers, so when ordering directly from the manufacturer, costs are minimized.

You can read the full article here, by Kristen Douglas for the Campbell River Mirror.