Electrician Patenting Bathroom Vent Cover

It seems that electricians can have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Bright example? Don Davis, a Bronston electrician who has a patent pending on an energy-saving invention. The idea of the invention came after the local housing market took a nose dive a few years ago, something that cost him part of his livelihood.

Davis attended an energy auditing course and after performing an audit in a regular residence, he was astounded to see how much of heated and air-conditioned air was escaping through the bathroom exhaust fan vent.

After thinking hard about this issue, it dawned to him that if a cover was placed over the exhaust fan when it was not running, thermal leaks could be minimized.

Following that, Davis marched on building a prototype and applying for a patent with the US Patent Office. Up until now, all of his prototypes have been made of wood with metal spring hinges and latches. A more professional approach however would be to manufacture the cover in plastic.

You can read about this inspiring story here.