Free Navy Technical Manuals is a website offering accessories. However, while we were browsing StumbleUpon we came across a certain page of their website, in which they are offering various Navy Technical Training Manuals. As they indicate, they have bought them and want to offer them to people who might need them, free of charge.

Among these manuals there are a couple for electricians, which we think you might find useful. Actually, there are 3 of them, but 2 separate files for download (2 have been compressed into 1 download).

All of them start from basic training, so even inexperienced aspiring electricians can benefit from them. There is also a manual for hand tools. You can also read our article about power hand tools accidents and how to prevent them.

You can find the download list here. (The link is in StumbleUpon, we couldn’t find it on the original website).

Hope this helps!