Check Electrician Schools in Iowa, IA
In most states, including Iowa, a license is required to work as an electrician. There are 8 electrician licenses options in Iowa and Special Electrician is divided into 3 subcategories as you see below:
- Apprentice
- Journeyman Electrician A class
- Journeyman Electrician B class
- Master Electrician A class
- Master Electrician B class
- Electrical Contractor
- Residential Contractor
- Residential Electrician
- Residential Master Electrician
- Special Electrician
In Iowa, there are 3 Special Electrician licenses:
- Irrigation System Wiring
- Sign Installer
- Disconnect and Reconnect of existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems
If you are just beginning in the industry and you are not an Apprentice, please read Iowa Unclassified Licensing.
Iowa Electrician A or B Class License
Here we will give you a brief description of the differences between class A and class B. At the end of this description please choose either class to be guided to the right guide.
An electrician who has the necessary work experience can apply for either class. These are the differences:
- Class A requires passing an exam, whereas Class B can be obtained just from practical work experience.
- Class B has some limitations, whereas Class A has no limitations (for the specific license).
- You can have a class B license and then sit for and pass the exam required to advance into class A.
If you would like to know more about Class A License, check out Journeyman Electrician A class License and Master Electrician A class Licence.
If you would like to know more about Class B License, check out Journeyman Electrician B class License and Master Electrician B class Licence.
Iowa Journeyman Electrician A Class License
Definition of journeyman electrician class A (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to wire for or install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment and to supervise apprentice electricians and who is licensed by the board”
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the journeyman electrician class A license, you will have to fulfil one of the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
*Note: If you don’t have a license already, please read only (a).
“a. Has successfully completed a registered apprenticeship program, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher, and has completed four years of experience as an apprentice electrician.
b. Holds a current class B journeyman electrician license and has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher.
c. Holds a current electrician license in another state, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher, and has satisfied the sponsorship requirements for testing for a journeyman class A license by providing evidence of all of the following:
(1) Current licensure as a journeyman or master electrician from another state which required passing a test sponsored by that state.
(2) Completion of 18 hours of continuing education units approved by the board.
(3) Completion of 1,000 hours of work in Iowa as an unclassified person.
d. Holds a current license issued by the board, excluding a special electrician license other than special residential electrician license; has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher; has completed 54 hours of continuing education approved by the board; and has completed 16,000 hours of electrical work while licensed by the board, except as a special electrician other than a special residential electrician, as verified by a master electrician licensed by the board. The 16,000 hours must include at least the following minimum number of hours of work on commercial or industrial installations in the categories indicated: 500 hours of preliminary work, 2,000 hours of rough-in work, 2,000 hours of finish work, 2,000 hours of lighting and service work, 500 hours of troubleshooting, and 500 hours of motor control work. At least 4,000 hours of the 16,000 hours must have been completed by the applicant within the five years immediately preceding the submission date of the application.
EXCEPTION: On or before December 31, 2019, a maximum of 10,000 of the required 16,000 hours of verified work experience may have been completed between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2007, without licensure from the board or from any political subdivision.
e. Holds a current license issued by the board as a residential electrician or residential master electrician, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher, and has completed 4,000 hours of work on commercial or industrial electrical installations while licensed by the board, as verified by a master electrician licensed by the board. The 4,000 hours must include at least the following minimum numbers of hours in the categories indicated: 100 hours of preliminary work, 500 hours of rough-in work, 500 hours of finish work, 500 hours of lighting and service work, 100 hours of troubleshooting, and 100 hours of motor control work.
f. Holds a current license issued by the board, has satisfactorily completed an approved postsecondary electrical education program, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher, and, subsequent to beginning the postsecondary electrical education program, has completed at least 6,000 hours of electrical work while licensed by the board, as verified by a master electrician licensed by the board”.
You must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
For more details on definition please read this page.
It is not in the scope of this website to go in detail for each of these cases, so we will focus on (a), the case where you don’t have another license already. You can also read the requirements listed in the Testing Sponsorship.
If you have finished a registered apprenticeship program, then you can go on with your application, following the guidelines below:
- Before you are eligible to take the appropriate test for your license, you will have to be approved by the board.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The exams take place at least once per quarter. In order to apply for the exam, you will have to fill and submit (not earlier than 1 month before being ready to take the test) the Testing Sponsorship form. Instructions can be found here.
- The application, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- Upon approval, you will receive the Test Sponsorship Registration Letter with a code (which you will need to register for your exam) and other useful information. We advise to register through phone or the internet, since these options are an one-step process. If you decide to register by mail or fax, please fill the form found at the last page of examination bulletin. The test provider is Prometric.
- After you receive this letter, you will have to register with Prometric and schedule your exam. Please note, that this registration counts for only 2 passing attempts. If you fail both of these attempts, you will have to go through an educational process and a time gap of 6 months or more.
- The exam fee is $60.00 and can be paid by cashier’s check, money order, MasterCard or Visa, payable to Prometric. You will have to include your full name.
- The test values NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2011 edition and it is the only referral you must have with you. Test samples can be found here and at pages 4-5 of the examination bulletin.
- You will have to score 75% or more to pass the test. The exam is open book, consists of 80 questions and the maximum time allowed is 3 hours. At pages 7-8 of the examination bulletin you can find the books used to generate the questions and the areas from which they derive.
- After you pass the exam you will receive a notification from Iowa state. Then you will have to forward the Prometric test certificate to the Iowa Electrical Examining Board Office along with any applicable fees.
- When you receive your license, you will be subject to Continuing Education (CE). The required hours vary from 6 hours per year, to 18 hours per three years, depending on the time you will receive your license. At least 6 hours of these must be over the National Electrical Code (NEC). You can find all the details at Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Education Requirements.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has reciprocity with some states. However, the details vary according to the state. Please read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Registered apprenticeship programs
- Application form
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Testing Sponsorship info
- Testing Sponsorship form
- Prometric
- Examination bulletin
- Test samples
- Continuing Education (CE)
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Journeyman Electrician B Class License
Definition of journeyman electrician class B (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to wire for or install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment who meets and is subject to the restrictions of section 103.12”.
The section 103.12 can be found at the Iowa Code 103 link above.
For more details on definition please read this page.
For more information on class B restrictions you can read 661-502.6(103) found in Chapter 502.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
In order to obtain the journeyman electrician class B license, you will have to fulfil the following requirements:
- You will have to prove that you have worked at least 16,000 hours as a journeyman or master electrician. At least 8,000 hours of them need to have been worked after 1st January of 1998.
- You must not be disqualified according to rule 661-502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application and affidavit (for work experience). The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion. Both of these forms are required.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The application, affidavit and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- When you receive your license, you will be subject to Continuing Education (CE). The required hours vary from 6 hours per year, to 18 hours per three years, depending on the time you will receive your license. At least 6 hours of these must be over the National Electrical Code (NEC). You can find all the details at Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Education Requirements.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity for journeyman electrician class B. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Affidavit for work experience
- Chapter 502
- Table of fees
- Continuing Education (CE)
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Master Electrician A Class License
Definition of master electrician class A (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to properly plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes and who is licensed by the board”
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the master electrician class A license, you will have to fulfil one of the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
“a. Holds a current residential electrician or journeyman electrician license, has 2,000 hours of verified experience as a residential electrician or a journeyman electrician, and has passed a residential master electrician examination approved by the board;
b. Holds a current special electrician license with a residential endorsement, has 4,000 hours of verified experience, and has passed a residential master electrician examination approved by the board.”
Also, you must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
For more details on definition please read this page.
You can also read the requirements listed in the Testing Sponsorship.
If you have one of the above requirements or a master electrician class B license, then you can go on with your application, following the guidelines below:
- Before you are eligible to take the appropriate test for your license, you will have to be approved by the board.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $375.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The exams take place at least once per quarter. In order to apply for the exam, you will have to fill and submit (not earlier than 1 month before being ready to take the test) the Testing Sponsorship form. Instructions can be found here.
- The application, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- Upon approval, you will receive the Test Sponsorship Registration Letter with a code (which you will need to register for your exam) and other useful information. We advise to register through phone or the internet, since these options are an one-step process. If you decide to register by mail or fax, please fill the form found at the last page of examination bulletin. The test provider is Prometric.
- After you receive this letter, you will have to register with Prometric and schedule your exam. Please note, that this registration counts for only 2 passing attempts. If you fail both of these attempts, you will have to go through an educational process and a time gap of 6 months or more.
- The exam fee is $60.00 and can be paid by cashier’s check, money order, MasterCard or Visa, payable to Prometric. You will have to include your full name.
- The test values NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2011 edition and it is the only referral you must have with you. Test samples can be found here and at pages 4-5 of the examination bulletin.
- You will have to score 75% or more to pass the test. The exam is open book, consists of 100 questions and the maximum time allowed is 4 hours. At page 7 of the examination bulletin you can find the books used to generate the questions and the areas from which they derive.
- After you pass the exam you will receive a notification from Iowa state. Then you will have to forward the Prometric test certificate to the Iowa Electrical Examining Board Office along with any applicable fees.
- When you receive your license, you will be subject to Continuing Education (CE). The required hours vary from 6 hours per year, to 18 hours per three years, depending on the time you will receive your license. At least 6 hours of these must be over the National Electrical Code (NEC). You can find all the details at Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Education Requirements.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $375.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has reciprocity with some states. However, the details vary according to the state. Please read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Registered apprenticeship programs
- Application form
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Testing Sponsorship info
- Testing Sponsorship form
- Prometric
- Examination bulletin
- Test samples
- Continuing Education (CE)
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Master Electrician B Class License
Definition of master electrician class B (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to properly plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment who meets and is subject to the restrictions of section 103.10”
The section 103.12 can be found at the Iowa Code 103 link above.
For more details on definition please read this page.
For more information on class B restrictions you can read 661-502.6(103) found in Chapter 502.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
In order to obtain the master electrician class B license, you will have to fulfil the following requirements:
- You will have to prove that you have worked at least 16,000 hours as a master electrician. At least 8,000 hours of them need to have been worked after 1st January of 1998.
- You must not be disqualified according to rule 661-502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application and affidavit (for work experience). The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion. Both of these forms are required.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The application, affidavit and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- When you receive your license, you will be subject to Continuing Education (CE). The required hours vary from 6 hours per year, to 18 hours per three years, depending on the time you will receive your license. At least 6 hours of these must be over the National Electrical Code (NEC). You can find all the details at Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Education Requirements.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity for master electrician class B. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Affidavit for work experience
- Chapter 502
- Table of fees
- Continuing Education (CE)
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Electrical Contractor License
Definition of electrical contractor (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person affiliated with an electrical contracting firm or business who is, or who employs a person who is, licensed by the board as either a class A or class B master electrician and who is also registered with the state of Iowa as a contractor”
For more details on definition please read the end of this page.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
In order to become an electrical contractor, you will have to (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2) “hold or employ a person who holds an active master electrician license, who is registered as a contractor with the labor services division of Iowa workforce development. An electrical contractor license issued to a person who holds a class B master electrician license is subject to the same restriction of use as is the class B master electrician license”.
Also, you must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
If you fill the above requirements, then you can go on with your application, following the guidelines below:
- You will need to maintain a liability insurance of at least $1 million. For more details please read “661—502.7(103) Financial responsibility”, which can be found at the end of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $375.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The application, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $375.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has reciprocity with some states. However, the details vary according to the state. Please read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Residential Contractor License
Definition of residential contractor (quote from this page):
“A Residential Electrical Contractor license may be issued to a person who is licensed as a Class A or Class B Master Electrician or a Residential Master electrician, or who represents a company who employs them, and who must show proof and maintain general and complete operations liability insurance in the amount of at least $1 million for all residential work performed which requires electrician licensing, and be registered with the Iowa Division of Labor (Iowa Workforce Development) as a contractor pursuant to chapter 91C”
You are not allowed as a residential contractor to perform work within a political subdivision.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
In order to become a residential contractor, please read the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2): “A residential electrical contractor license may be issued to a person who is licensed as a class A master electrician, a class B master electrician, or a residential master electrician and who is registered with the state of Iowa as a contractor”.
If you fill the above requirements, then you can go on with your application, following the guidelines below:
- You will need to maintain a liability insurance of at least $1 million. For more details please read “661—502.7(103) Financial responsibility”, which can be found at the end of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $375.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The application, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $375.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity with any states, regarding the residential contractor license. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Residential Electrician License
Definition of residential electrician (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to perform a residential installation. Residential installation means the wiring for or installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment in a residence consisting of no more than four living units within the same building.”
For more details on definition please read this page.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the residential electrician license, you will have to fulfil one of the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
“a. Holds a current residential special electrician license and has held that license for a minimum of one year and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board;
b. Has completed 6,000 hours of experience as an apprentice electrician and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board. An applicant may take the examination required by this paragraph after completing 5,000 hours of experience as an apprentice electrician, although the license will not be issued until the applicant has completed 6,000 hours of such experience;
c. Has completed 4,000 hours of experience working under the direct supervision of a residential master electrician, a residential electrician, a master electrician, or a journeyman electrician; has successfully completed a minimum of one academic year of an electrical trade school approved by the board; and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board;
d. Has completed 8,000 hours of verified experience as a licensed unclassified person including at least 2,000 hours of verified work experience in residential wiring and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board;
e. Has successfully completed a registered residential electrician apprenticeship program and passed a supervised written residential electrician examination approved by the board with a score of 75 or higher”.
For more details on definition please read this page.
Also, you must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
You can also read the requirements listed in the Testing Sponsorship.
If you fill any of these requirements, then you can go on with your application, following the guidelines below:
- Before you are eligible to take the appropriate test for your license, you will have to be approved by the board.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The exams take place at least once per quarter. In order to apply for the exam, you will have to fill and submit (not earlier than 1 month before being ready to take the test) the Testing Sponsorship form. Instructions can be found here.
- The application, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- Upon approval, you will receive the Test Sponsorship Registration Letter with a code (which you will need to register for your exam) and other useful information. We advise to register through phone or the internet, since these options are an one-step process. If you decide to register by mail or fax, please fill the form found at the last page of examination bulletin. The test provider is Prometric.
- After you receive this letter, you will have to register with Prometric and schedule your exam. Please note, that this registration counts for only 2 passing attempts. If you fail both of these attempts, you will have to go through an educational process and a time gap of 6 months or more.
- The exam fee is $55.00 and can be paid by cashier’s check, money order, MasterCard or Visa, payable to Prometric. You will have to include your full name.
- The test values NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2011 edition and it is the only referral you must have with you. Test samples can be found here and at pages 4-5 of the examination bulletin.
- You will have to score 75% or more to pass the test. The exam is open book, consists of 50 questions and the maximum time allowed is 2 hours. At page 8 of the examination bulletin you can find the book used to generate the questions and the areas from which they derive (Note that the license reads “Iowa Residential Electrician” instead of “Residential Electrician”).
- After you pass the exam you will receive a notification from Iowa state. Then you will have to forward the Prometric test certificate to the Iowa Electrical Examining Board Office along with any applicable fees.
- When you receive your license, you will be subject to Continuing Education (CE). The required hours vary from 6 hours per year, to 18 hours per three years, depending on the time you will receive your license. At least 6 hours of these must be over the National Electrical Code (NEC). You can find all the details at Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Education Requirements.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity with any states, regarding the residential electrician license. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Registered apprenticeship programs
- Application form
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Testing Sponsorship info
- Testing Sponsorship form
- Prometric
- Examination bulletin
- Test samples
- Continuing Education (CE)
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Residential Master Electrician License
Definition of residential master electrician (quote from the Iowa Code 103):
“a person having the necessary qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge to properly plan, lay out, and supervise the performance of a residential installation. Residential installation means the wiring for or installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment in a residence consisting of no more than four living units within the same building.”
For more details on definition please read this page.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the residential electrician license, you will have to fulfil one of the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
“a. Holds a current residential electrician or journeyman electrician license, has 2,000 hours of verified experience as a residential electrician or a journeyman electrician, and has passed a residential master electrician examination approved by the board
b. Holds a current special electrician license with a residential endorsement, has 4,000 hours of verified experience, and has passed a residential master electrician examination approved by the board.”
Also, you must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
You can also read the requirements listed in the Testing Sponsorship.
If you fill either of these requirements, then you can go on with your application, following the guidelines below:
- Before you are eligible to take the appropriate test for your license, you will have to be approved by the board.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $375.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The exams take place at least once per quarter. In order to apply for the exam, you will have to fill and submit (not earlier than 1 month before being ready to take the test) the Testing Sponsorship form. Instructions can be found here.
- The application, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- Upon approval, you will receive the Test Sponsorship Registration Letter with a code (which you will need to register for your exam) and other useful information. We advise to register through phone or the internet, since these options are an one-step process. If you decide to register by mail or fax, please fill the form found at the last page of examination bulletin. The test provider is Prometric.
- After you receive this letter, you will have to register with Prometric and schedule your exam. Please note, that this registration counts for only 2 passing attempts. If you fail both of these attempts, you will have to go through an educational process and a time gap of 6 months or more.
- The exam fee is $60.00 and can be paid by cashier’s check, money order, MasterCard or Visa, payable to Prometric. You will have to include your full name.
- The test values NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2011 edition and it is the only referral you must have with you. Test samples can be found here and at pages 4-5 of the examination bulletin.
- You will have to score 75% or more to pass the test. The exam is open book, consists of 60 questions and the maximum time allowed is 3 hours. At page 8 of the examination bulletin you can find the book used to generate the questions and the areas from which they derive (Note that the license reads “Master Residential Electrician” instead of “Residential Master Electrician”).
- After you pass the exam you will receive a notification from Iowa state. Then you will have to forward the Prometric test certificate to the Iowa Electrical Examining Board Office along with any applicable fees.
- When you receive your license, you will be subject to Continuing Education (CE). The required hours vary from 6 hours per year, to 18 hours per three years, depending on the time you will receive your license. At least 6 hours of these must be over the National Electrical Code (NEC). You can find all the details at Continuing Education (CE) and Continuing Education Requirements.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $375.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity with any states, regarding the residential master electrician license. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Registered apprenticeship programs
- Application form
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Testing Sponsorship info
- Testing Sponsorship form
- Prometric
- Examination bulletin
- Test samples
- Continuing Education (CE)
- Continuing Education Requirements
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Irrigation System Wiring (Special Electrician) License
Definition of irrigation system wiring (special electrician) license (quote from the licenses’ description):
“This endorsement authorizes the installer of center-pivot type irrigation systems to service and install all wiring from the electrical service to the irrigation equipment. The electrical service must be installed by an electrical contractor. To qualify, the applicant must have either passed a supervised examination approved by the Electrical Examining Board, or have completed two years, or 4,000 hours of documented experience in the wiring of irrigation systems.”
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the irrigation system wiring license, you will have to fulfil the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
“a. Endorsement 1, “Irrigation System Wiring,” shall be included on a special electrician license if the licensee requests it and has passed a supervised examination approved by the board or has completed two years, or 4,000 hours, of documented experience in the wiring of irrigation systems.
NOTE: An individual who holds any of the following licenses issued by the plumbing and mechanical systems board established pursuant to Iowa Code section 105.3 is not required to hold a license issued by the electrical examining board in order to perform disconnection and reconnection of existing air conditioning and refrigeration systems:
1. Master HVAC.
2. Journeyperson HVAC.
3. Master refrigeration.
4. Journeyperson refrigeration”.
You must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
You will either have to pass the test, or prove your work experience. In the guidelines below you will find the process for both of them, starting with the application and moving on with the examination:
- Before you are eligible to take the appropriate test for your license, you will have to be approved by the board.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application and affidavit (for work experience). The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The exams take place at least once per quarter. In order to apply for the exam, you will have to fill and submit (not earlier than 1 month before being ready to take the test) the Testing Sponsorship form. Instructions can be found here.
- The application, affidavit, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- Upon approval, you will receive the Test Sponsorship Registration Letter with a code (which you will need to register for your exam) and other useful information. We advise to register through phone or the internet, since these options are an one-step process. If you decide to register by mail or fax, please fill the form found at the last page of examination bulletin. The test provider is Prometric.
- After you receive this letter, you will have to register with Prometric and schedule your exam. Please note, that this registration counts for only 2 passing attempts. If you fail both of these attempts, you will have to go through an educational process and a time gap of 6 months or more.
- The exam fee is $55.00 and can be paid by cashier’s check, money order, MasterCard or Visa, payable to Prometric. You will have to include your full name.
- The test values NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2011 edition and it is the only referral you must have with you. Test samples can be found here and at pages 4-5 of the examination bulletin.
- You will have to score 75% or more to pass the test. The exam is open book, consists of 50 questions and the maximum time allowed is 2 hours. At pages 8-9 of the examination bulletin you can find the book used to generate the questions and the areas from which they derive.
- After you pass the exam you will receive a notification from Iowa state. Then you will have to forward the Prometric test certificate to the Iowa Electrical Examining Board Office along with any applicable fees.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity with any states, regarding the irrigation system wiring (special electrician) license. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Affidavit
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Testing Sponsorship info
- Testing Sponsorship form
- Prometric
- Examination bulletin
- Test samples
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Disconnect and Reconnect of existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems (Special Electrician) License
Definition of “Disconnect and Reconnect of existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems” (special electrician) license (quote from the licenses’ description):
“This endorsement authorizes the licensee to disconnect and reconnect any existing air- conditioning or refrigeration system. Any new or upgraded branch circuits for such equipment must be installed by an electrical contractor. To qualify, the applicant must either have passed a supervised examination approved by the Electrical Examining Board, or have completed two years of documented experience in the disconnecting and reconnecting of existing air-conditioning and refrigeration systems”.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the irrigation system wiring license, you will have to fulfil the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
“b. Endorsement 2, “Disconnecting and Reconnecting Existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems,” shall be included on a special electrician license if the licensee requests it and has passed a supervised examination approved by the board or has completed two years of documented experience in the disconnecting and reconnecting of existing air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
NOTE: An individual who holds any of the following licenses issued by the plumbing and mechanical systems board established pursuant to Iowa Code section 105.3 is not required to hold a license issued by the electrical examining board in order to perform disconnection and reconnection of existing air conditioning and refrigeration systems:
1. Master HVAC.
2. Journeyperson HVAC.
3. Master refrigeration.
4. Journeyperson refrigeration”.
You must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
You will either have to pass the test, or prove your work experience. In the guidelines below you will find the process for both of them, starting with the application and moving on with the examination:
- Before you are eligible to take the appropriate test for your license, you will have to be approved by the board.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application and affidavit (for work experience). The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The exams take place at least once per quarter. In order to apply for the exam, you will have to fill and submit (not earlier than 1 month before being ready to take the test) the Testing Sponsorship form. Instructions can be found here.
- The application, affidavit, testing sponsorship and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- Upon approval, you will receive the Test Sponsorship Registration Letter with a code (which you will need to register for your exam) and other useful information. We advise to register through phone or the internet, since these options are an one-step process. If you decide to register by mail or fax, please fill the form found at the last page of examination bulletin. The test provider is Prometric.
- After you receive this letter, you will have to register with Prometric and schedule your exam. Please note, that this registration counts for only 2 passing attempts. If you fail both of these attempts, you will have to go through an educational process and a time gap of 6 months or more.
- The exam fee is $55.00 and can be paid by cashier’s check, money order, MasterCard or Visa, payable to Prometric. You will have to include your full name.
- The test values NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2011 edition and it is the only referral you must have with you. Test samples can be found here and at pages 4-5 of the examination bulletin.
- You will have to score 75% or more to pass the test. The exam is open book, consists of 50 questions and the maximum time allowed is 2 hours. At page 9 of the examination bulletin you can find the books used to generate the questions and the areas from which they derive.
- After you pass the exam you will receive a notification from Iowa state. Then you will have to forward the Prometric test certificate to the Iowa Electrical Examining Board Office along with any applicable fees.
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity with any states, regarding the “Disconnect and Reconnect of existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems” (special electrician) license. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Affidavit
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Testing Sponsorship info
- Testing Sponsorship form
- Prometric
- Examination bulletin
- Test samples
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Sign Installer (Special Electrician) License
Definition of sign installer (special electrician) license (quote from the licenses’ description):
“This endorsement authorizes the licensee to connect power to a sign, as long as the voltage does not exceed 220 volts; and the amperage does not exceed 20 amperes. Any new or upgraded branch circuit installation supplying power to the sign shall be done by an electrical contractor”.
The license is provided by the State Fire Marshal (SFM) division of Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS).
First we will give you a brief overall description of the process required, by using a quote and then we will go into more detail.
In order to obtain the irrigation system wiring license, you will have to fulfil the following requirements (quote from Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2):
“c. Endorsement 3, “Sign Installation,” shall be included on a special electrician license if the licensee requests that it be included. This endorsement does not authorize a licensee to connect power to a sign that has a voltage greater than 220V and an ampere rating greater than 20 amps. Initial installation or upgrading of the branch circuits supplying power to the sign shall be completed by a licensed master electrician or by a licensed journeyman electrician under the supervision of a master electrician.
NOTE: An individual who holds any of the following licenses issued by the plumbing and mechanical systems board established pursuant to Iowa Code section 105.3 is not required to hold a license issued by the electrical examining board in order to perform disconnection and reconnection of existing air conditioning and refrigeration systems:
1. Master HVAC.
2. Journeyperson HVAC.
3. Master refrigeration.
4. Journeyperson refrigeration”.
You must not be disqualified according to the rule 661—502.4(103) of Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2.
You will have to notify in your application that you want “signal installation” endorsement to be included in your license and then you will just have to follow the application process listed below:
- You will have to fill the appropriate application and affidavit (work experience is not required). The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $75.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The application, affidavit and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- You will have to renew your license every 3 years at the cost of $75.00 (per 3 years). More info can be found at the table of fees.
Iowa has not reciprocity with any states, regarding the sign installer (special electrician) license. However, if you want, you can read Iowa’s Reciprocal Licensing Agreements for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.
Useful Links
- Iowa Code 103
- Administrative Rules Chapter 502.2
- State Fire Marshal (SFM) division
- Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Application form
- Affidavit
- Forms
- Table of fees
- Reciprocal Licensing Agreements
Iowa Unclassified Licensing
Definition of an unclassified person (quote from application form):
“Any person other than an apprentice electrician or other person licensed under this licensing act, who , as such person’s principal occupation, is engaged in learning and assisting in the installation, alteration, and repair of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment as an employee of a person licensed under this licensing act.”
You can find a more thorough description of the unclassified license here.
- You will have to fill the appropriate application. The application form starts with the instructions you will need and continues with the fields requiring completion.
- There is an application fee which is (as of 2013) $20.00. This fee can be paid by check, money order or warrant to the Department of Public Safety. The memo area of the check should read “Electrician License Fees.” You can also check the table of fees.
- The application and money order (or check or warrant) should be attached (with the money order being on top of the pile) and mailed together at:
State Fire Marshal’s Office
Electrical Examining Board
215 E. 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
If you have questions, you can call the board at (515) 725-6147 or Email them at [email protected]
- You will have to renew your license every year at the cost of $20.00. More info can be found at the table of fees.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Iowa.