Check Electrician Schools in Michigan, MI
The guide below is for the persons who reside in Michigan, except City of Grand Rapids (Kent County) or City of Detroit (Wayne County).
As long as you don’t need a license from the 2 cities mentioned above, please skip this part.
If you reside in either of these two cities, you will need to acquire your license through local licensing:
Click here for City of Grand Rapids and go to electrical permit application.
Click here for the electrician home page of City of Detroit, or select one of the following licenses to get information about the process:
If you want to work as an electrician in Michigan, you will need to obtain a license. The licensing options (7) are the following:
- Electrical Journeyman
- Master Electrician
- Electrical Contractor (the same apply for Fire Alarm/Sign Specialty Contractors)
- Fire Alarm Specialty Technician
- Sign Specialist
These licenses are provided by the electrical division of the department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
For taking the exams under specific conditions due to a disability, please call the Electrical Division at (517) 241-9320.
For more information regarding the latest electrical code rules, please read the official pdf.
Michigan Electrical Journeyman License
A person holding this license, is capable of personally installing and/or altering the electrical wiring.
You first need to have attended a 4-year (or more) officially recognized apprenticeship, before applying for it. You can find the apprenticeship guidelines here.
The prerequisites for the journeyman license are the following:
– Be twenty years old (or more).
– You have to acquire 2000 hours on the job experience, per year, for 4 years (total needed amount is 8000 hours). More than 2000 hours per year won’t receive credit. The practical experience consists of doing electrical work under your supervisor’s license permissions.
Part of these required hours can be:
- An acceptable (to the specific Michigan board) educational or training program can receive credit of up to 1000 hours.
- A Bachelor degree in electrical engineering can receive credit of up to 2000 hours.
Note: The above numbers (1000 and 2000) are the maximum hours you can acquire for the total of 8000 hours.
- For military credit, please read page 2.
For more information on the requirements, please read here.
– If you meet the above requirements, you can proceed with your journeyman application. Clicking on each box on the application will let you type your information there. Please, care at the top of the application, the originally notarized documents needed.
– The application fee is $ 100.00 and it is non-refundable. This amount must be paid via check, attached to the mail, made payable to the State of Michigan.
– When you complete the application, make sure before sending the package that you have included all the required documents and every detail is filled. You can read the steps both at the application and at page 1 in bullet points. It is advisable that you apply about 60 days before the examination date, on which you want to participate. The examination dates and places can be found at the end of this page.
Note: Be sure to be ready for the exam before applying, because if someone fails 2 consecutive times, he will have to wait 1 year and take a course before applying again.
– After the package is sent and approved, you will be sent an admission card during the next 10-15 days. This will be used to participate in the exams.
– For the test, you will need basic knowledge of the fields listed in pages 8-9. For more information regarding your exams you also read the subsection (b) of 13. Candidates will be allowed to have only a National Electrical code book as a reference, during the test. You will need a score of 75% or more to pass the test.
– The results will be sent to you after (approximately) 30 days. There is no other way to learn your results sooner than that.
– When you pass the test, you may be subject to 15 hours code course as an update for your license renewal. It greatly depends on the apprentice program you took. For these required hours, you can check the officially recognized course providers. Also, you will have to pay $40.00 to acquire the license.
Renewal is due to each December 31st every three years. For this license, there is also online renewal available.
Michigan has not official reciprocity with any states, but please read page 2 and journeyman application instructions for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Michigan.
Useful Links
- Electrician homepage
- Apprenticeship guidelines
- Law regarding license requirements
- Journeyman application
- Licensing instructions
- Information regarding exams
- Online renewal
- Course providers
Michigan Master Electrician License
A person holding this license, is capable of supervising or personally installing and/or altering the electrical wiring.
You will need to have held the electrician journeyman’s license for 2 years or more, before applying for this license.
The prerequisites for the master electrician license are the following:
– Be twenty-two years old (or more).
– As long as you have acquired the journeyman license through the process described above, you will need an additional 2000 hours on the job experience, per year, for 2 years (extra needed amount is 4000 hours). More than 2000 hours per year won’t receive credit. The practical experience consists of doing electrical work under the supervision of a master electrician.
If you haven’t acquired the journeyman license through LARA’s board examinations, please read (b) (found at the top of the last page) of master electrician’s application.
– For more information on the requirements, please read here. Please note, that the 12,000 hours mentioned, consist of the 8000 hours of practical experience of the journeyman license, plus the 4000 hours of practical experience of the master electrician license.
– If you meet the above requirements, you can proceed with your master electrician’s application. Clicking on each box on the application will let you type your information there. Please, care at the top of the application, the originally notarized statements needed.
– The application fee is $ 100.00 and it is non-refundable. This amount must be paid via check, attached to the mail, made payable to the State of Michigan.
– When you complete the application, make sure before sending the package that you have included all the required statements and every detail is filled. You can read the steps both at the application and at page 1 in bullet points. It is advisable that you apply about 60 days before the examination date, on which you want to participate. The examination dates and places can be found at the end of this page.
Note: Be sure to be ready for the exam before applying, because if someone fails 2 consecutive times, he will have to wait 1 year and take a course before applying again.
– After the package is sent and approved, you will be sent an admission card during the next 10-15 days. This will be used to participate in the exams.
– For the test, you will need more advanced knowledge of the fields listed in pages 8-9, regarding the supervision and planning of electrical installations. Candidates will be allowed to have only a National Electrical codebook as a reference, during the test. You will need a score of 75% or more to pass the test.
– The results will be sent to you after (approximately) 30 days. There is no other way to learn your results sooner than that.
– When you pass the test, you may be subject to 15 hours code course as an update for your license renewal. It greatly depends on the apprentice program you took. For these required hours, you can check the officially recognized course providers. Also, you will have to pay $50.00 to acquire the license.
Renewal is due to each December 31st every three years. For this license, there is also online renewal available.
Michigan has not official reciprocity with any states, but please read page 2 and master electrician’s application instructions for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Michigan.
Useful Links
- Electrician homepage
- Law regarding license requirements
- Master electrician application
- Licensing instructions
- Online renewal
- Course providers
Michigan Electrical Contractor License
The same application and process is used for Fire Alarm/Sign Specialty contractors, but we will focus on electrical contractors.
Definition of electrical contractor (quote from 338.881):
“a person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of erecting, installing, altering, repairing, servicing, or maintaining electrical wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment”
– You will need to either have a master electrician license yourself, or employ a person who has it. The master electrician in charge is responsible for the technical part of the construction or alteration and for code compliance. If the corporation is not residing in Michigan, it will have to employ a master electrician who does so.
– You will need to take and pass an examination. The test will have a maximum time limit of 1.5 (one and a half) hour. There are 40 questions (multiple options style) and you will need a score of 75% or more to pass it. The reference material are:
– You are not allowed to bring them with you at the exams, but they will be provided to you at the examination center. Also, it is good to download and study them, prior to taking the test.
– When you are ready to participate in the exam, complete the electrical/fire alarm/sign contractor’s application found at the last page of the link. At the application you will also find valuable information and guidelines. It is recommended that you apply about 60 days before the examination date, on which you want to participate. The examination dates and places can be found at the end of this page.
– The application fee is $ 100.00 and it is non-refundable. This amount must be paid via check, attached to the mail, made payable to the State of Michigan.
– After the package is sent and approved, you will be sent an admission card during the next 10-15 days. This will be used to participate in the exams.
The results will be sent to you after (approximately) 30 days. There is no other way to learn your results sooner than that.
– After passing the test, you will need to pay an additional fee in order to obtain your license. This specific fee varies depending on the date you passed the exams. Every three years, this license has to be renewed and every contractor renews it at the same time. The cost is $ 300.00 per three years and declines to $ 200.00 if the next renewal is in 2 years, or $100.00 if the next renewal is in 1 year. For example, if the renewals take place at 2015, 2018 etc and I pass the test at 2014, I will have to pay $100.00 in order to receive the license. More information on this payment method can be found at page 2 of the contractor’s application.
Note: The prices above are for the electrical and fire alarm contractors. For sign contractors the prices are slightly lower and you can found them at page 2 of the application link, right above.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Michigan.
Useful Links
- Forms
- Act 217 of 1956
- Act 230 of 1972
- Electrical Administrative Board General Rules
- Electrical Code Rules (Michigan Part 8)
- Electrical/Fire Alarm/Sign Specialty contractor’s application
- License requirements, exam places and dates
Michigan Fire Alarm Specialty Technician License
A person holding this license, has the authority to install and alter the wiring of fire alarm systems.
– You will need to have a certificate from the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technology (NICET) as a level 2 associate engineering technician. At the link you can find all the information you will need to obtain this certificate.
– You must be at least 20 years old.
For more information on the requirements, please read 338.883g, 338.883h and requirements.
– If you meet the above requirements, you can proceed with your fire alarm specialty technician’s application. Clicking on each box on the application will let you type your information there.
– The application fee is $ 100.00 and it is non-refundable. This amount must be paid via check, attached to the mail, made payable to the State of Michigan.
– When you complete the application, make sure before sending the package that you have included the certificate, the check, the application and every detail is filled. You can read the requirements at the application. It is advisable that you apply about 60 days before the examination date, on which you want to participate. The examination dates and places can be found at the end of this page.
Note: Be sure to be ready for the exam before applying, because if someone fails 2 consecutive times, he will have to wait 1 year and take a course before applying again.
After the package is sent and approved, you will be sent an admission card during the next 10-15 days. This will be used to participate in the exams.
– For the test, you will need basic knowledge of some of the categories listed in pages 8-9. The required categories for this license, are listed at the middle of page 8. Candidates will be allowed to have only a National Electrical codebook as a reference, during the test. You will need a score of 75% or more to pass the test.
The results will be sent to you after (approximately) 30 days. There is no other way to learn your results sooner than that.
– When you pass the test, you may be subject to 15 hours code course as an update for your license renewal. It greatly depends on the apprentice program you took. For these required hours, you can check the officially recognized course providers. Also, you will have to pay $50.00 to acquire the license. You can read more about the code here.
Renewal is due to each December 31st every three years. For this license, there is also online renewal available.
Michigan has not official reciprocity with any states, but please read page 2 and master electrician’s application instructions for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Michigan.
Useful Links
- National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technology (NICET)
- 338.883g
- 338.883h
- Electrician homepage
- Fire alarm specialty technician’s application
- Licensing instructions
- Online renewal
- Course providers
Michigan Sign Specialist License
A person holding this license, has the authority to install, repair and alter electric signs.
– Be 18 years old (or more).
– You have to acquire 2000 hours of practical experience per year, for 2 years (total needed amount is 4000 hours). More than 2000 hours per year won’t receive credit. The practical experience consists of doing electrical work under your supervisor’s license permissions. For more information on this, please read the act’s 1 – (d).
Part of these required hours can be:
- An acceptable (to the specific Michigan board) educational or training program can receive credit of up to 1000 hours.
- A Bachelor degree in electrical engineering can receive credit of up to 2000 hours.
Note: The above numbers (1000 and 2000) are the maximum hours you can acquire for the total of 4000 hours.
- For military credit, please read page 2.
– If you meet the above requirements, you can proceed with your sign specialist application. Clicking on each box on the application will let you type your information there.
The application fee is $ 100.00 and it is non-refundable. This amount must be paid via check, attached to the mail, made payable to the State of Michigan.
– When you complete the application, make sure before sending the package that you have included all the required documents and every detail is filled. You can read the requirements at the application. It is advisable that you apply about 60 days before the examination date, on which you want to participate. The examination dates and places can be found at the end of this page.
Note: Be sure to be ready for the exam before applying, because if someone fails 2 consecutive times, he will have to wait 1 year and take a course before applying again.
– After the package is sent and approved, you will be sent an admission card during the next 10-15 days. This will be used to participate in the exams.
– For the test, you will need basic knowledge of some of the categories listed in pages 8-9. The required categories for this license, are listed at the middle of page 8. Candidates will be allowed to have only a National Electrical codebook as a reference, during the test. You will need a score of 75% or more to pass the test.
The results will be sent to you after (approximately) 30 days. There is no other way to learn your results sooner than that.
– When you pass the test, you may be subject to 15 hours code course as an update for your license renewal. It greatly depends on the apprentice program you took. For these required hours, you can check the officially recognized course providers. Also, you will have to pay $40.00 to acquire the license. You can read more about the code here.
Renewal is due to each December 31st every three years. For this license, there is also online renewal available.
Michigan has not official reciprocity with any states, but please read page 2 and sign specialist application instructions for more information.
Finally, don’t forget to check Electrician Jobs in Michigan.