More cases of cancer for those living under power lines

South Korea – more cases of cancer in residents living under power lines.

There are a total of 902 electricity transmissions throughout the country with a larger numbers of towers in Gangwon province with 333 towers, 265 in South Chungcheong Province and 252 in Gyeonggi Province.

Residents have reported the increase in numbers of cancer patients in their area since the construction of the electricity transmission.

One of the residents living under power lines said that he lost the will to keep going every time he thinks about the tower as reported in The Hankyoreh.

A study commissioned by The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy showed the high possibility of getting cancer for those who live in regions with 154kV/345kV power lines but KEPCO has maintained its position that high-voltage electric transmission has no health risk.

Read the full report.